May 25th we packed up and headed up to Steven's Pass for something different. We have been wanting to see the falls here for sometime. We have thought about doing it as a snowshoe, actually. Glad we went now, as the snow melt made the falls extremely impressive. The trail to the falls was a little muddy with a few streams to cross easily. The little dog made it no problem over these lower streams. About 1.5 to 2 miles we found the split (it would be hard to miss) and we decided to see the falls early as there were only a few people about (at 9:15AM 7 cars in the parking lot) and by the sounds of all the reviews, this is a popular hike. We were thrilled that we did! We ran into one guy coming down (wet, but we thought that he was just REALLY sweaty!) and then another 2 ladies who told us it was the best they had ever seen on top of 'be prepared to get wet!" And they were right. The roar of the falls could be heard very quickly! We loved them and we also looked like we took a shower after 5 minutes of snapping pics. Terah's video say it all.

We spent half and hour or so at the falls and then headed back to the split to head up to Lake Serene. The trail is in pretty good shape. Lots of stairs and is quite a rocky trail about 1 mile up. There were only 2 spots of snow to cross and by now we are sure that they are gone. We said lots of 'WOW'S" on this hike. The lower falls are just as nice as the upper falls:
And then there was when we got out of the trees, turned a corner only to see:
Not to mention, once you get to the lake and you see:
The lake was so beautiful and looked fake at times. We hiked out along the trail, following the signs to Lunch Rock. As it advertised: an amazing place for lunch. Lots of little avalanches across the lake to keep you entertained while eat your lunch. The far away rumblings and the snow crashing towards the ground all spectacular. We really did not want to leave and stayed an hour or more before we turned around and headed back. This is one of our favorites, which we shall return during different seasons. 5 hours with a very long lunch!
Oh, directions are very simple, to get on the road to the falls, there is actually a turn lane and we found it no problems. Just down the road a little more is the Iron Goat!!! Love that one too!